Monday 5 November 2012

Who's your daddy?! Excerpt 3

Gravander - Pencil and digital rendering
Most kids don't know what their parents actually do at work. Unless you're a teacher or a doctor most kids imagine their parents sit at a desk all day, drink coffee and think of ways to torture their children with embarrassment.

We get a glimpse into Gemmy's dad, Gravander's, day at the office which involves a lot less metaphorical torture. This is from Chapter 18: Invasion.


Excerpt from Strange Chronicles: The Mighty Orange-Peel by Themo H. Peel
"Gravander was barely listening as he studied Mhetli’s vitals on the monitors.
‘You allowed M82 to escape. We needed him here for his own safety. You were not to
engage him.’ Gravander growled.
‘Untie me. I will find them,’ Mhetli said through gritted teeth.
‘Not until you’ve spoken to the director. He’ll have questions for you.’
‘Those rinches weren’t supposed to be peaked!’
‘I know you weren’t the twin who got the intellect but I would have thought you’d have reasoned by now that your power is only one half of a whole. The process of accessing your true power requires contact with the other half. That is why the director sent you after M82.’
‘Your precious, Gemiinus,’ Mhetli spat. ‘He may be superlight, but I have power. I’ve peaked on my own.’
Gravander turned towards Mhetli. He put the tablet that he was using down and began to press buttons on the monitor. Suddenly, the lines along Mhetli’s arms began to glow yellow. Every muscle in his body knotted and veins bulged in his neck. Mhetli gritted his teeth in defiance of the screams that were trying to escape. He was too used to the torture and refused to give Gravander the satisfaction."

Read other excerpts from the book:

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