Tuesday 1 May 2012

Thebans and the Argoknots

So, I'm up against it as usual with getting the Thebans' 10th Anniversary booklet done so I've stopped toying with knots and have settled on the 3 major ones. They're not as fancy as the ancient Celts rocked out in the Book of Kells. But, pretty good for a novice. And, best part is I have something the Celts did not... Adobe Illustrator! The original drawing are scanned and then redrawn in illustrator. Best part about symmetrical knots is you only have to draw one half. Then you can copy it and do a mirror image and it links up properly! I'm also keeping the illumination simple and elegant because we're a modern people. If the Thebans' 10th Anniversary book was as illuminated as illuminated manuscripts it would look like an illuminated manuscript. Here are the knots I've come up with:

Thebans Knot
For use as a centre piece on pages. This is the only one completed in illustrator so far. It's in the shape of a rugby ball.

Text Knot
This will be used as a border in combination with the Thebans' knot and can also be used on its own to underline headers.

Corner Knot
This will be used as illumination in the corners of the pages. Can also be linked with digital ninjary to connect to the simple text knot.

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